Mamma Bear’s Diary

*Yawn* I’ve had a busy day so far. Every day is a busy day when you’re the mother to 13 babies. My babies never left home, either! My full time job never stops, and I love it!
My day starts with feeding time. I actually get a little peace and quiet during this time as I am on a diet at the moment so I get fed separately. My kids all go on one side of the barn and I go on the other. We are so used to this routine now that we sometimes separate ourselves and close the door before the people even have the food scooped!
I enjoy my perfectly portioned food solo, so I can make sure I get every single pellet. Then I wait for my kids to finish up and we all get our morning hay together again. I always check for any dropped food my kids have left behind, but I taught my babies well. They always clean their plates! Good piggies raised right! I’m a proud momma.
It’s been such lovely weather recently that I’ve been able to spend the day exploring our Pig Paradise Paddock. It’s been really fun rediscovering it again after the winter. I hate snow so I don’t like to venture far from the barn when it’s below zero. Now that the sun is shining and it’s so warm, I love exploring, rooting, and sunbathing. My littlest baby, Nellie, likes to follow me around to make sure she doesn’t miss out on snuggling up with me. She needs a little extra love, being the runt of the litter. I don’t mind her company. She’s like my shadow most days. In fact, she’s snuggled up next to me right now.
After my busy afternoon of rooting for any new plants coming up and comforting Nellie, I make sure the rest of my babies are in line and check in on everyone. If anyone comes in my paddock, I make sure they talk to me first before they’re allowed to be near my babies. They don’t call me Mamma Bear for nothing!
This is why I’m so tired! I have a lot of responsibilities. It’s going to be time for dinner soon so I’d better get my rest with Nellie to make sure I’m rested up and ready to find all those pellets! I might even get some apple pieces today. Can’t wait!